Playing with Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke

Author: Jon

  • To BuddyPress or not to BuddyPress?

    Soon? We will have a new WPMU install up and my dilemma is whether to make it a BuddyPress installation. For those that may not know, BuddyPress turns your WPMU install into a community blogging site with group blogs, profiles, friending, etc. BuddyPress does this via plugins and some special themes. The reason I am…

  • Take it a step further

    I guess my last post was basically saying colleges are businesses. Some don’t want to view them this way but they are. Students pay for a service (to learn) and cynics might say they pay for grades. I’m not sure I would go that far but if we agree that they are businesses then it…

  • Maybe Wooster isn’t the school for you…

    but maybe we can help you figure out which school is for you. Can you imagine any college saying something like that? I sure can’t. So why am I even thinking about it? Well, one reason is because of what I read on Scobleizer. He posted about his hypothetical Web 2.0 Expo keynote and in…

  • Get an MA in Social Media

    This should not come as a surprise to anyone. Social Media is a somewhat different beast than print and television media and the skills required to use it to best effect are different. My involvment with the redesign of Wooster’s website has just highlighted how different social media is. People coming from a print background…

  • YouTube goes Educational

    I love YouTube. I think it is a great resource for educators but one issue has been finding content suitable for use in the classroom. I saw today that YouTube has added an edu landing page. You can see it here. TechCrunch indicates that this grew out of a desire by some YouTube employees to…